Number of People Taking Antidepressants in the United States

antidepressants-violent-side-effectsSOURCE: IQVia Total Patient Tracker Database for 2017, extracted April 2018. For all drug regulatory warnings, studies and side effects of antidepressants, click here

Drug Class:            Age Group:          Number of People:

Antidepressants    0-5 Years               38,534

0-1 Years                  6,687
2-3 Years                  10,957
4-5 Years                  21,299

6-12 Years                574,090
13-17 Years              1,503,185
18-24 Years              3,188,828
25-44 Years              12,457,146
45-64 Years              16,561,400
65 Year +                   9,966,901

Grand Total                                            43,643,237

SOURCE: IQVia Total Patient Tracker Database for 2017, extracted April 2018.