Rape, PMS & wanting sex too much—All proposed ‘mental disorders’ for Psychiatry’s billing bible—the DSM

Madness is currently undergoing a redesign, with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, often called the ‘Psychiatrist’s Bible’ being updated. Basically, a big group of grey-haired psychiatrists have been getting together to decide what qualifies someone as being mentally ill. There are a whole heap of proposed changes that have the potential to change how we think about our bodies and behaviours. Rape is set to become a mental disorder, and wanting to have sex all the time is being considered for inclusion.

Brain Damage from Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, Ativan, Klonipin) The Troubling Facts, Risks & History

Britain’s Independent newspaper published a bombshell for psychiatry and medicine: the country’s Medical Research Council had sat on warnings 30 years earlier that benzodiazepines such as Valium and Xanax can cause brain damage. As 11.5 million prescriptions for these drugs were issued in 2008 in Britain alone, I focused on the consequences of the cover-up for the millions affected. Given the feedback I received from numerous patients in Britain and the States attesting to their profound difficulties in quitting such medication, as well as their impairment from the drugs many years later, I want to retrace the drugs’ controversial history, to help explain why the suppression of evidence about their side effects is deservedly national news in Britain, and why it should be here in the States, too.

Australian three-year-olds targeted for bogus psychiatric disorders

The Australian government and the Australian Medical Association are targeting 27,000 three-year-olds for psychiatric treatment. A new government funded program seeks to treat normal preschool children to discover if they show “signs of mental illness.” What are the symptoms of mental illness in three-year-olds? Shyness, temper tantrums and needing to sleep with the light on. Yes, folks, I guess even monster in the closet is now a symptom of psychosis. The whole human race must need psychiatric medication.

Daily Mail: Anti depressants are merely another addiction—for doctors as well as the patients

If doctors do not follow the herd in prescribing drugs and CBT, they risk being blamed by coroners or by the General Medical Council when patients kill themselves. If they do follow conventional practice, they will not be blamed. They will be said to have done the best they could do. And if so-called ‘antidepressants’ actually increase the risk of suicide, nobody would ever know. The patients die but the prescribing doctors can sleep easy.

Human Rights Group CCHR Gets Brave New Voice with Rapper Chill E.B.

The rap artist Chill E.B. is bringing the message of freedom from abuse to the masses, in his latest video. One of the rappers main causes is the group CCHR.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is a nonprofit mental health watchdog, responsible for helping to enact more than 150 laws protecting individuals from abusive or coercive practices. CCHR has long fought to restore basic inalienable human rights to the field of mental health, including, but not limited to, full informed consent regarding the medical legitimacy of psychiatric diagnosis, the risks of psychiatric treatments, the right to all available medical alternatives, and the right to refuse any treatment considered harmful.