Big Pharma’s newest invention: Adult ADHD

It is no accident so many have drunk the ADHD Kool-Aid. Big Pharma has funded several patient front groups to sell the disease of ADHD without people knowing they are being sold.There is good news and bad news about attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) — that is, if you’re a drug company. The bad news is the kid market has peaked out with 4.5 million U.S. children now carrying the label.

Older Adults taking Xanax/Valium 50% more likely to develop dementia

Older adults taking psychiatric medications, such as Valium or Xanax, may be at increased risk of dementia, a new French study suggests. In the reports, adults older than 65 who took drugs known as benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety drugs) were 50 percent more likely to develop dementia over a 15-year period, compared with those who did not take the drugs.

Side effects of ADHD drugs shock parents

Kim Collier’s 7-year-old daughter could not stop crying. Less than 24 hours earlier, the child had started taking Vyvanse, a drug prescribed for the treatment of ADHD. The distraught mother suggested a bike ride to distract the inconsolable child. The two set out for a park near their home outside Alliston, Ont. The girl pedalled and sobbed. Then, Collier recalled, “She screamed at me. She said, ‘I want to die.’”