New Psych Disorder Could Mislabel Sick as Mentally Ill

Lori Chapo-Kroger was an active intensive care unit nurse, but after a series of mysterious symptoms began a decade ago, her thinking became “cloudy” and she said her legs “felt like they were made of lead.”

“I felt like every system in my body was collapsing,” said Chapo-Kroger, who lives in Grand Rapids, Mich. “I remember not even being able to stand up to make my own bed. I literally lay on the floor and had to ask my daughter to change the bed sheets for me. She was 13.” But for three years she went from doctor to doctor, all who told her she was crazy, that her symptoms were in her head.

Kick Starting a Worthy Film: ADDicted

Dan Jenski, a thirty-something generation Yer or “millennial”, has issues with the mental health diagnosis of his generation and the use and abuse of prescription mind-altering drugs.

As part of the generation that grew up with easy access to computers, instant internet connections and smart phones, Jenski is utilizing those tech savvy skills to raise awareness thru film about the mental health abuse he personally witnessed and the toll it took on his generation.

Protect Your Children from Psychiatric Medication

The pharmaceutical companies have broadened their horizon. It is not enough that they have 30% of middle and upper income white women addicted to antidepressants and that 20% of adults take some form of psychiatric medication. They now want to hook as many children as possible on psychiatric medication as well.

‘Russian Romeo’ steals girlfriend from psych ward, sues mother for forced hospitalization

A young man shot his way out of a Moscow mental institution in a bid to ‘rescue’ his pregnant girlfriend. The pair turned themselves in on the second day of a police search – both to confess, and to sue the girl’s mother.

­The assault, they claimed, was a desperate move to free the woman from the horrors of the mental ward and the imposed effects of heavy medication. They claimed the hospitalization was forced, and orchestrated by the woman’s mother. The couple has already been dubbed the ‘Russian Romeo and Juliet,’ and their story is being closely watched by a fascinated public.