Mother Forced Into Stand Off With Police for Refusing to Adminster Antipsychotic Drug to Daughter

A woman arrested after a 10-hour standoff with Detroit police says she was protecting her 13-year-old daughter from unnecessary medication. Maryanne Godboldo, 56, is accused of barricading herself inside her home with her daughter and a gun after Child Protective Services workers tried to serve a warrant last week to remove the girl because the Godboldo had withheld her medication, The Detroit News reported Monday.

Note from CCHR:  So its come to this… A Detroit mother is forced into a stand off with police,  because she refused to administer Risperdal—a powerful and potentially lethal antipsychotic drug to her daughter.   Child Protective Services were going to take her child away from her, for refusing to administer a drug that could potentially kill her.  And while the newscast below describes side effects of Risperdal as anxiety, fatigue and restlessness, they omit the fact that international drug regulatory agencies warn Risperdal can cause  seizures,  cancer, tumors, stroke, abnormal bleeding, blood clots, diabetes and sudden death ( – Search both Risperdal in the search box and Newer Antipsychotics in the drop down menu). So ask yourself,   what would you do if the authorities came to your home to take your child away, stripping you of all parental rights, and forcing your child to take a drug that could kill them.   And while the mother now faces felony charges,  we have a question we’d like answered—what charges are the psychiatrists/doctors and Child Protective Services agencies going to face if  her child dies as a result of taking the antipsychotic drug being forced on her?  Will police show up at their door to arrest them?  Will they be charged with murder?  Why are the doctors/psychiatrists and “child protective” agencies that prescribe these drugs,  knowing the risks,  never held accountable?  That is the real crime in all of this.  Watch the video.
March 28, 2011

Click the video to watch

DETROIT, March 28 (UPI) — A woman arrested after a 10-hour standoff with Detroit police says she was protecting her 13-year-old daughter from unnecessary medication.

Maryanne Godboldo, 56, is accused of barricading herself inside her home with her daughter and a gun after Child Protective Services workers tried to serve a warrant last week to remove the girl because the Godboldo had withheld her medication, The Detroit News reported Monday.

Godboldo faces charges of firing a weapon in a dwelling, felonious assault, resisting and obstructing an officer, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, the newspaper said.

Godboldo’s family and supporters said she has the right to make medical decisions for her daughter and that child welfare workers exceeded their authority.

Originally schooled at home, the daughter wanted to attend middle but needed to catch up on required immunizations.

“We believe she had an adverse reaction to her immunizations,” Maryanne’s sister Penny Godboldo said.

Godboldo sought help from The Children’s Center, an organization that helps families with at-risk children, where a medical and mental health treatment plan was prescribed.

Godboldo told relatives medications ordered by a doctor worsened symptoms, including behavioral problems.

“Maryanne’s decision to wean her from that was making a difference, making her better, helping her to be a happy kid again,” Mubuarak Hakim, the girl’s father, said.

A preliminary hearing has been set for April 8.