“ADHD Is Not a Disease”

Here was a bright young boy who was bored and frustrated in school… who probably had a few behavioral problems… and who had now been labeled as having a “disease” and put on medication. And, unfortunately, Phillip is just one of millions…

Total Health Breakthroughs
By Jon Herring
March 10, 2010

“Hey, Phillip… do you mind if I sit here and eat with you?” I asked.

“Sure, whatever…”

“How’s school going? Are you doing well?”

“Not really. I just want it to be summer.”

“Yeah, I remember how that used to feel,” I told him.

Phillip is eleven years old. He’s the son of some family friends and I was at a small party when I saw him sitting by himself. I hadn’t seen him for a few years, so I wanted to remind him who I was and get to know him a little better.

As he became comfortable, he opened up a bit more. He told me his plans for the summer. He told me about his friends and the girl he likes at school. And he also told me that he didn’t care for school all that much.

“It’s hard,” he said. “Plus, I have ADHD, so I don’t pay attention very well.”

“Really? How do you know you have ADHD?” I asked.

“That’s what my doctor said. He said I’ve had it since I was born. That’s why I have to take medicine.”

“Well, I think you’re just fine. How does that medicine make you feel?”

“It used to make me kinda nervous,” he said. “And I couldn’t go to sleep when I took it. Now, it just makes me not want to eat.”

After complimenting Phillip on his manners and intelligence, I changed the subject back to his plans for the summer. But what he said bothered me. Here was a bright young boy who was bored and frustrated in school… who probably had a few behavioral problems… and who had now been labeled as having a “disease” and put on medication.

And, unfortunately, Phillip is just one of millions…

Read entire article:  http://www.totalhealthbreakthroughs.com/2010/03/adhd-is-not-a-disease/